News Archives
CFP The Joseph Conrad Society of America
Panel at the MLA Convention, New Orleans 9-12 January 2025
Joseph Conrad: Tyranny and Revolution
More information here
CFP The Joseph Conrad Society of America
Special Session at the MLA Convention, New Orleans 9-12 January 2025
Making Visible: Conrad, Poland, and World Literature
More information here
CFP The Société Conradienne Française and Ehic-EA 1087 Université de Limoges – One-day conference 14 November 2024
Conrad, a Hundred Years After His Death
More information here
Seminar on “Conrad and Literary History” - 17 to 19 October 2024
The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers Conference
Catholic University of America, Washington DC
More information here
“Conrad’s Legacy A.D. 2024” Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 10-12 October 2024
Conference hosted by The Joseph Conrad Society (Poland) and The Jagiellonian University Joseph Conrad Research Centre
Conference programme available here
Joseph Conrad - Korzeniowski - 100 lat po śmierci - One-day Conference 8 September 10.00 - 16.00
The Polish Social and Cultural Centre (POSK) 238-246 King St, London W6 0RF
Conference Poster here
Conference Programme here
Conrad Centennial Exhibition at Senate House Library, University of London, August 2024
The Conrad items on display have been selected from the archives and special collections held by Senate House Library.
Curated by Professor Robert Hampson, Chair of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK), and Leila Kassir, Academic Librarian, Senate House Library.
Selected Images from the Exhibition (© L. Kassir) here
Polish Ambassador visits Conrad exhibition at Senate House Library here
Joseph Conrad 1924 - 2024
The Joseph Conrad Society (UK) will be commemorating the centennial anniversary of Conrad’s death on the 3rd of August 2024 at the recently renovated Conrad family grave, Canterbury Cemetery, Westgate Court Avenue, Canterbury CT2 8JL
Location of Conrad's grave here
Conrad on Radio 4 Extra - 27 July to 5 August
To commemorate the centenary of Conrad's death on August 3rd, BBC Radio 4 Extra will broadcast again the abridged reading of “The Duel,” from 1997, the dramatization of “Falk,” from 2000, and the six-part dramatization of Lord Jim from 1985.
More information here
Conference and Unveiling of the Memorial Plaque in Honour of Professor Najder
6-7 June 2024, Collegium Maius, University of Opole
Conrad Centenary Event, University of Kent, Canterbury, 4 June 2024
Including a screening of African Apocalypse, followed by a Q&A with director Rob Lemkin.
Professor Robert Hampson will present the paper: “Joseph Conrad: From Cosmopolitanism to Transnational Activism”
The Polish University Abroad (PUNO) - Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar
Free online event: 15 May 2024, 18.30 - 19.30 (BST)
Presentation by Professor Robert Hampson, “Conrad and the Polish Problem”
On Direct Action - 14 to 15 Feb 2024
Events marking the 130th anniversary of the Greenwich Outrage
On Direct Action - 14 Feb 2024
Event marking the 130th anniversary of the Greenwich Outrage
Panel discussion and screening of Sabotage (dir. Alfred Hitchcock 1936) at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich
Max Beerbohm: The Price of Celebrity
20 October 2023 to 28 January 2024
The New York Public Library
Fifth Avenue at 42nd Street, New York, NY
The exhibition featured the first public showing of Beerbohm’s caricature of Joseph Conrad in an ‘improved’ copy of A Christmas Garland, and the original manuscript of the parody, ‘THE FEAST’ by J*S*PH C*NR*D, as published in the latter volume.
For more information see here
To Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK)
The Polish Library POSK in London presents
Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski Life and Work Exhibition
Curated by Dr Dobrosława Platt, Director of the Polish Library POSK, with the assistance of Dr Hugh Epstein, Honorary Secretary, Joseph Conrad Society (UK)
Literary London Reading Group - Senate House, London, 9 January 2024
Dr George Legg (KCL) will host an in-person session entitled ‘Melodrama, Pity and the Politics of Illustration in Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent’
For more information see here
The Conrad Panel at MLA Convention Philadelphia (USA) January 2024
Splendid Difficulty: Teaching Conrad
Sponsored by the Joseph Conrad Society of America, the panel is chaired by Debra Romanick Baldwin (University of Dallas).
More information here
The Melville, Conrad Panel at MLA Convention Philadelphia (USA) January 2024
Melville, Conrad, and the Concept of Life: Celebration & Sorrow
The panel, chaired by Mark Deggan (Simon Fraser University), is a joint venture of the Joseph Conrad Society of America and the Melville Society.
More information here
Joseph Conrad - Mariner, Neo-Romantic, Humanist: Texts and Contexts of Life and Work.
December 12 — 09:30 -11:00 GMT
Online event led by Department of Philology at the International University of Economics and Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine
For more information see here
Special issue of The Conradian - Conrad and World Literature
Guest editors Simla Dogangun and Chris GoGwilt.
The 6th conference of the Joseph Conrad Society of Japan, 11 November 2023
Programme available here
Abstracts available here
The Second Conrad Symposium, Paris, 28 and 29 September 2023
‘The Resonance of Joseph Conrad in the 21st Century’
One of the symposium objectives is to disseminate the responses to Conrad's fiction on an international scale and to propagate the understanding of his Polish heritage.
For more information see here For the event website see here
New Production of “Heart of Darkness”
A multi-media, immersive performance bringing to life Joseph Conrad’s classic tale.
Three performances only. Saturday 30th September at 4pm and 7pm; Sunday 1st October at 2pm.
Torriano Meeting House, Torriano Avenue, London NW5 2RX
Further information here
Joseph Conrad Society of Japan
Presentation by Yael Levin, ‘The Future of Conrad Studies’
Webinar: 22 August 2023 - 11:00 am (BST) 19:00 (JST)
More details here
The Conrad Panel at SAMLA Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, 11-13 November 2022
“Aspects of Change in the Fiction of Joseph Conrad”
For more information see here
Book launch of The European Reception of Joseph Conrad. Institute for Modern Language Research, Senate House, London, 20 October 2022 14.30 to 17.30
Free event to mark the publication of The European Reception of Joseph Conrad (Bloomsbury 2022) edited by Robert Hampson and Véronique Pauly.
For more information see here
St Mary’s University Joseph Conrad Lecture Series in collaboration with the Joseph Conrad Society (UK) presents "Reading Conrad in the Modern World"
Further information here
The inaugural lecture, ‘Conrad and Africa,' presented by Professor Robert Hampson is available for viewing here
Call for Papers - “Conrad’s Polish Footprints,” 7th International Joseph Conrad Conference Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin 20 - 24 June 2022
For more information see here
The Polish University Abroad (PUNO)
Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar
Free online event: 20 April 2022 at 18.15
Professor Robert Hampson, University of London, Institute of English Studies, and Chair of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK) presented his paper, ‘Conrad, Colonialism and Africa’
Further information here
CFP: The Conradian - The Journal of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK)
Special number of The Conradian on Conradian Narrative
Call for Papers here
Proposals deadline - Closed
Submissions deadline - Closed
CFP Conrad Session - "Narratives of Intercultural Mediation" - St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 11-12 March 2022
International and Interdisciplinary Online Conference
Conference information here
The 2022 MLA Convention in Washington DC USA
Transnational-Transcultural Conrad
The Joseph Conrad Society of America hosted the panel, Transnational-Transcultural Conrad, on Saturday, January 8, at 1:45pm
The Chelmsford Fringe Festival, 27 November 2021
“Talks with the Author” at The Pop Up Art Place, High Chelmer Shopping Centre (formerly Top Shop) 12.00 – 13.00 (GMT)
Guest speaker, Dr Kim Salmons, Associate Professor in Humanities and Liberal Arts at St Mary’s University, London, and Conference Secretary of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK), read extracts from Migration, Modernity & Transnationalism in the work of Joseph Conrad (Bloomsbury, 2021, co-edited with Professor Tania Zulli, “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy), and hosted a Q&A session.
More details here
CFP: The Conradian - The Journal of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK)
Planetary Conrad
Call for Papers closed
New Work on Conrad: Professor Robert Hampson
Professor Robert Hampson marked the publication of his monograph, Critical Lives: Joseph Conrad (Reaktion Books, 2020) with an address to the students of 5CL at Liceo Classico G. Carducci High School, Milan, on the relationship between Joseph Conrad’s biography and his novella “Heart of Darkness.”
Professor Hampson's presentation may be viewed on the Joseph Conrad Society (UK) official YouTube channel here
Transcription of Q&A session in English and Italian
With thanks to Ms. Belinda Giannessi, who organised the event, the Principal Mrs Francesca Bini, and the students of 5 CL at Liceo Classico G. Carducci High School.
The 5th Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society of Japan
Was held on 06 November 2021 via Zoom
The Conference Programme here
CFP: Conrad and Art
The works of Joseph Conrad have long inspired artistic adaptation and remediation. The editors invite proposals for a critical description and analysis of the transmedial expressions of Conrad's work. We are interested in the untravelled spaces of Conrad's inspiration in the visual arts, film, music, stage and poetry as well as new returns to adaptations that are already familiar to Conradian readers. We encourage proposals that cross cultural and national boundaries and reframe Conrad's ideas in defamiliazing contexts.
Deadline - May 2021 (closed)
The Conradian - The Journal of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK)
The Joseph Conrad Society (UK) would like to thank Alexandre Fachard for all his work as Editor of The Conradian. He has maintained the journal's regular appearance and its high academic standards, and will cease to be editor after The Conradian 45.2. Laurence Davies and Robert Hampson will take over as editors from 46.1. Richard Niland will continue as Contributing Editor / Reviews Editor.
JCSA sponsored Joseph Conrad Panels at the virtual MLA Convention Toronto (Canada) 7 & 9 January 2021
“Comparatism Now: Faulkner and Conrad” 7 January from 1:45 PM – 3:00 PM EST. Hosted by the Joseph Conrad Society of America and the William Faulkner Society
“Planetary Conrad” 9 January from 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM EST. Hosted by the Joseph Conrad Society of America
“Energy in Thomas Hardy and Joseph Conrad’s Works,” at ESSE Conference (European Society for the Study of English) Lyon, France, 31 August - 4 September 2020
The ESSE conference 2020 cannot be held on 31 August / 4 September.
For further details see the conference website here
Convenors Richard Ambrosini richard.ambrosini@uniroma3.it
Peggy Blin-Cordon peggy_cordon@hotmail.com
Nathalie Martinière nmartiniere@gmail.com
Joseph Conrad Panel at the MLA Convention Seattle (USA) 9-12 January 2020
Conrad and the Senses
The sensory turn of the last decades marks a new direction in literary studies. Informing a wide range of paradigms from biopolitics to poststructuralism, new critical interest in the senses allows us to reconsider Conrad’s writing, to intervene in the commonplaces of traditional criticism, and to expand our investigation of the way in which the senses inform the stylistic and thematic aspects of his poetics. Any form of engagement with the significance and articulation of the senses is welcome.
The Conrad Panel at SAMLA Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (USA) 8-10 November 2019
South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference, Westin Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta, Georgia
‘Conrad and Power’: The panel organizers are especially interested in 15-20 minute papers on power in any aspect of Joseph Conrad’s life and works. Proposals addressing the broader elements of the conference theme or on any Conradian theme in multimedia contexts are also welcome.
The 4th Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society of Japan 10 November 2019
Bukkyo University, Nijo Campus, Kyoto, Japan
The special theme for the 4th Conference is “Conrad in Japan: Crosscultural Encounters.” While all submissions related to Joseph Conrad are welcome, participants are especially encouraged to submit papers (of about 20 minutes) exploring the cultural intersection of Conrad and Japan.
‘Ford and Toulon: Biography, Culture and Environment in the 1920s and 1930s’ June 28-29, 2019
Université de Toulon, Ford Madox Ford Society
Proposals are invited for an international conference on ‘Ford and Toulon: biography, culture, and environment’ to be held at the Université de Toulon, France.
This conference will bring together scholars working on Ford Madox Ford (1873-1939), a major twentieth-century novelist, editor and cultural commentator. It forms part of a series of events celebrating writerly culture and experience in the city of Toulon, where Ford spent time in the 1920s and 1930s.
For more information, see here
Heart of Darkness — Touring theatre show, March, April, May 2019
Co-produced by Marche Teatro and Cast. Supported by Arts Council England, Lancaster Arts at Lancaster University and Theatre by the Lake.
Following the popular and critically acclaimed adaptation of Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, imitating the dog turn their attention to Joseph Conrad’s extraordinarily influential novella, Heart of Darkness.
This bold new staging of the Conrad classic is a visually rich, multi-layered work which fuses live performance with digital technology.
More information, including venues and dates, may be accessed here
Joseph Conrad Study Day at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, TW1 4SX, 14 February 2019 12:30-5:00
St Mary’s University will be hosting a ‘Conrad Day’ on Thursday 14 February in the Senior Common Room at St Mary’s campus in Strawberry Hill, Twickenham. There will be four papers including ‘Some Recent Trends in Conrad Studies’ presented by the Chair of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK), Professor Robert Hampson.
For more information, full programme, and the booking form, see here
Conrad Panel at MLA Convention Chicago (USA) 3-6 January 2019
Conrad’s Politics of Hope
In the spirit of recent challenges to the hermeneutics of suspicion, we invite papers that take the idealism in Conrad’s writing seriously. The law of unintended consequences rules Conrad’s fiction, and characters who voice idealistic aspirations usually fail to achieve them, but does the failure of idealism necessarily discredit it? Does Conrad imagine alternatives to the hypocrisy, selfishness, and materialism he portrays? Does he balance critique with hope?
Book launch of Conrad's Reading: Space, Time, Networks. Institute of English Studies Senate House, London, 13 September 2018, 5.00pm
Join Dr. Helen Chambers, Honorary Associate in English at the Open University for the launch of her monograph, Conrad's Reading: Space, Time, Networks, (Palgrave Macmillan, New Directions in Book History). This title aligns concepts and methods from book history with new literary research on this globally studied writer, and explores Conrad’s childhood and maritime reading, his many fictional representations of readers and material texts, and the reading he shared with literary women as well as men.
The event is free to attend but registration is required, further information and the booking form may be accessed here.
45th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.)
The 45th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.), 5 – 7 July 2018, was held at Writtle University College, Chelmsford, Essex.
The final 2018 conference programme can be downloaded from the Annual International Conference Archives page.
Objects in Hardy and Conrad: Conference to be held at the University of Rouen on 24-25 May 2018
This two-day conference focused on the significance of "objects" in the works of Thomas Hardy and Joseph Conrad, both in terms of how objects are represented -- as social markers, for example -- and the works themselves as objets d' art. It was organized by FATHOM (French Association for Thomas Hardy Studies), and held at the University of Rouen on 24-25 May 2018.
You may download the full notice here (in English) and here (in French).
Placing Conrad: Space and Geography in Conrad’s Fiction. Senate House, London, 17 February 2018
This symposium, which marks the occasion of Professor Hampson’s retirement from full-time teaching, celebrates his contribution to Conrad Studies by bringing together new, established and independent scholars to develop fresh perspectives on a key area of his oeuvre: the spaces of Conrad’s fiction.
The past decade has witnessed a tremendous quickening of interest in the spatial and environmental humanities. These trends have proven remarkably important for scholars of English literature. Whether in building on earlier works in spatial theory, eco-criticism and psychogeography, in conducting geographically informed distant readings, or in exploring the global, transnational, and geopolitical contexts of specific writers and works: scholarship in English literature is increasingly concerned with the interactions between literary texts and their environments.
This symposium examines a range of spatial topics in relation to Conrad's works including space and time, gesture, law, maps, and reception. The day concludes with a plenary lecture from Iain Sinclair and a reception.
Enquiries to: Katherine.baxter@northumbria.ac.uk Download programme here
"Precarious Lives in Conrad and Ford": Proposal for a Special Session at the 2018 MLA Convention
Proposals are invited for 20-minute papers exploring any aspect of the states of precariousness or insecurity represented in the fictions of Conrad and Ford Madox Ford. This proposal is for a non-guaranteed special session at the 2018 MLA Convention in New York City (USA) and jointly sponsored by the Ford Madox Ford Society and The Joseph Conrad Society of America.
You may download the full CFP here. This CFP is now closed.
43rd Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.)
The 43rd Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society was held at POSK (the Polish Social and Cultural Organisation) in Hammersmith, London, 7th - 9th July 2017.
Photographs from the conference, in addition to the 2017 Final Programme, are linked through the Annual Conference Archives page.
Heart of Darkness: Joseph Conrad's Colonialism
Join Harvard professor and historian of the British Empire, Maya Jasanoff and V&A Director Tristram Hunt for a discussion about Jasanoff's ground-breaking new book The Dawn Watch: Joseph Conrad in a Global World, and how Conrad's work resonates today.
This discussion is scheduled to be held at The Lydia and Manfred Gorvy Lecture Theatre from 19.00 – 20.45 on Wednesday, 1 November 2017.
For more information, or to purchase tickets, see the following official announcement from the Victoria and Albert Museum website.
The 3rd Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society of Japan
The 3rd Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society of Japan is scheduled to be held at Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Nursing, 8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, on November 12, 2017. Details of the conference will be posted on the university website when available: Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Nursing.
The deadline for submission of abstracts has passed.
For more information regarding this conference, download the promotional flyer in .pdf HERE, or download the final conference programme in .pdf HERE.
International Conference on Joseph Conrad. Twixt Land and Sea, 17–18 November 2017
This conference will take place at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn in the heart of the picturesque Polish Lake District (http://www.uwm.edu.pl/en/node/36 ). The organisers will offer moderately priced accommodation on the university campus (details will be announced on the website) for the duration of the conference. The conference fee covers: coffee breaks, lunches, gala dinner, and conference materials.
Proposals for 20-minute presentations should be sent to the following conference address: conrad2017olsztyn@gmail.com. Please download and attach a submission form in .docx linked HERE. Submissions are welcome until September 1st, 2017. Notifications of acceptance will be forwarded within 2 weeks since the receiving of your submission form.
For more information regarding this conference, download the promotional flyer in .pdf HERE.
Full text of Conrad’s 1902 novella Typhoon recorded by RNIB in 1935
A unique copy of the first full-length audio book ever made, a set of four LPs recorded in 1935 with the full text of Joseph Conrad’s 1902 novella Typhoon, has been rediscovered in Canada.
See the full story published in The Guardian (November 21, 2016) here.
Between Texts and Theory: Transnational Conrad, 21-22 September, 2017
Hosted by the Société Conradienne Française, with the support of Associazione Italiana di Studi Conradiani, this conference seeks to interrogate our reading of works by Joseph Conrad from a transnational perspective, in order to explore how his approach to fiction makes it possible for us to question the way we read novels as aesthetic and ethical artefacts in the contemporary world.
The two-day conference is scheduled for 21-22 September, 2017, and will be held at the University of Limoges, France, EA 1087 EHIC (Espaces Humains et Interactions Culturelles). A selection of papers will be published in L’Epoque Conradienne.
The deadline for submission of proposals is now closed.
Conradian Crosscurrents: Creativity and Critique, June 1 - 4, 2017
The Joseph Conrad Society of America is organizing a conference in New York City to be sponsored by Fordham University's Comparative Literature Program and English Department and to be held at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus (and other locations to be announced) at the beginning of June of 2017 (June 1 - 4).
“Conradian Crosscurrents: Creativity and Critique” will explore how Conrad’s life and fiction intersect with creative and critical work of any kind. The conference will be open to scholarly work on Conrad and other writers; and on literary, artistic, and theoretical work from across the range of media (literature, music, performance, art, and mixed media).
We invite proposals for 15-20 minute papers. Please send 1-page abstract plus CV to newyorkconradconference@gmail.com by January 15, 2017.
Joseph Conrad Study Day at the British Library, 13 March 2017, 14:00-17:30
In association with the British Council, the Joseph Conrad Society (UK) and the Polish Cultural Institute, this study day considers Conrad's career as a novelist and his contribution to British culture in the year that has been designated 'Joseph Conrad Year' in Poland.
Professor Robert Hampson initiates an afternoon of expert discussion with a lecture on Conrad as 'England's Polish Genius'. This is followed by the first of two panels which explores 'Joseph Conrad and London' with Dr. Hugh Epstein ('Conrad's Vision of London'), Dr. Patricia Pye ('Listening to London: the sound of Conrad's city') and Dr. Mary Burgoyne ('Homecoming: Joseph Conrad and the Great War).
This event is scheduled for 13 March 2017, 14:00-17:30 at the Knowledge Centre, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB. For more information, see the announcement here.
42nd Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.)
The 42nd Annual Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society UK will be held at Edinburgh Napier University, in Edinburgh, Scotland, from Wednesday 29th June to Saturday 2nd July, 2016. A Call for Papers, Booking Form, and further conference details will be posted early in the New Year. These will include costs, travel and accommodation arrangements as well as an outline of the conference schedule.
The Call for Papers is now closed. To download the Final Programme for Edinburgh 2016, click here (for PDF), or here (MS Word).
The Booking Form for this year's conference may be downloaded here. Those who wish to secure hotel accommodation in advance are advised to book rooms at The Bruntsfield Hotel where a number of rooms have been reserved for conference participants.
A list of recommendations for additional accommodations in Edinburgh may be downloaded here.
For the informational flier, click here.
Conrad's Footprints: 2016 International Conrad Conference (Lublin, Poland)
The Centre for Conrad Studies, English Department, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland, will host its Sixth International Joseph Conrad Conference from June 20-24, 2016. Conradians and students and lovers of Conrad are heartily invited to attend.
WHERE: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland
WHEN: 20-24 June, 2016
The organizers have also planned a special study tour of "Conrad’s footprints," which is scheduled for 24-30 June, 2016.
For more information, visit the website of the Centre for Conrad Studies (Lublin) here. To submit an abstract, see the Call for Papers (available for download in PDF) here. Contact information is listed at both locations.
The Secret Agent – a Film by Stan Douglas
Victoria Miro is delighted to announce The Secret Agent, a solo exhibition by the celebrated Canadian artist Stan Douglas, featuring the UK premiere of a new multi-screen film installation along with a series of large-scale photographs. Saturated with information, and yet rejecting easily consumable messages, these works place the viewer within the charged atmospheres and ambiguous political and social intricacies of 1970s Portugal and postwar Vancouver, respectively.
WHEN: 2 February - 24 March 2016
WHERE: Victoria Miro Gallery I, 16 Wharf Road, London N1 7RW
For more information, see the official announcement here.
A production of Teatro Nucleo, this inside and open-space performance is freely taken from “HEART OF DARKNESS" BY JOSEPH CONRAD and realized with the support of the Joseph Conrad Institute.
The performance features original music by Davide Della Chiara and Lorenzo Magnani. The duration is 50 minutes, and it is directed by Davide Della Chiara and Natasha Czertok. On stage are Davide Della Chiara, Natasha Czertok, and Lorenzo Magnani.
For more information, see the website: TeatroNucleo, or download the informational flier here.
The European Reception of Joseph Conrad
A One Day Colloquium at Senate House, University of London is scheduled for Friday, 6th November, 2015 from 9.30 AM - 5 PM. Registration is required by 30th October, 2015.
For full programme and registration form, click here.
The 2nd Annual Conference of The Joseph Conrad Society of Japan
Time: 10:00-18:00 Saturday, 7 November 2015; TEL 06-6485-5611
Venue: Room 1005, Osaka Umeda Campus, Kwansei Gaguin University (Address: 19-19 Applause Tower 10th Floor, Chaya-machi, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0013) Tel: +81-6-6485-5611
For full programme and details, click here and here.
Joseph Conrad Society of America: Proposals for SAMLA 2015
In keeping with this year's SAMLA conference theme of Literature and the Other Arts, The Joseph Conrad Society of America invites proposals for a panel, titled "To Make you Hear, To Make You Feel... To Make you See."
This panel will explore cross- and inter-disciplinary approaches to, or alternate mediations of, text within the works of Joseph Conrad. This may include (but is not limited to) novel approaches to criticism, mediations of text (for example, via film, theater, the press, or graphic novel), or creative responses of other artists to Conrad’s work.
Please submit 300 word proposal abstracts, and a brief bio (in Word format) to dmulry@ccga.edu. If there are likely to be any A/V requirements, please note those in your proposal.
The 41st Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society UK, 2015
The 41st Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society UK will be held at the Polish Cultural Centre (P.O.S.K.) in Hammersmith, West London, and the University Women's Club in Mayfair, from Thursday 2 July to Saturday 4 July 2015.
The Call for Papers is now closed. To download this year's Conference Booking Form, click here (for PDF), or here (for MS Word).
This is a non-residential conference, and participants are invited to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation. We have reserved a number of rooms at the University Women's Club (open to both genders!), and if this option appeals to you we recommend that you book directly as soon as possible. Contact Simona by email, or by phone 020 7499 2268. See the University Women's Club website for more details.
To download the 2015 Final Programme, including the lists of speakers, venues, and meal options, click here. (Updated 29 June).
Opera Parallèle's Heart of Darkness
Opera Parallèle's upcoming production of Tarik O'Regan's adaptation of Heart of Darkness will run from 1-3 May, 2015 at the Z Space, 450 Florida Street, San Francisco. The set and backdrop will incorporate artwork by Matt Kish, whose illustrated edition of Heart of Darkness was reviewed in the Fall 2014 issue of Joseph Conrad Today.
WHERE: Z Space, 450 Florida Street, San Francisco
WHEN: May 1-3, 2015 at 2 PM and 8 PM
For tickets, please click here to purchase.
Cuore Di Tenebra (Heart of Darkness)
Cuore Di Tenebra (Heart of Darkness), adapted from the novel by Joseph Conrad, and directed by Virginia Acqua with Valerio Di Benedetto, will run from 19-29 March, 2015 at the Teatro Studio Uno, Rome-Italy (www.teatrostudiouno.com).
For more information, see the producers' Facebook page here.
Radio adaptation of Victory
Scheduled for Saturday, 28 February, on Radio 4, the world premiere of Harold Pinter’s screenplay of Joseph Conrad’s Victory, in a special adaption for radio by Sir Richard Eyre, will star Simon Russell Beale as the Narrator; Bjarne Henriksen as Heyst; Vanessa Kirby as Lena; Mark Strong as Ricardo; and Robert Portal as Jones.
Others include Patrick O'Kane (Schomberg); Helen Schlesinger (Mrs. Schomberg); Martin Marquez (Pedro); Paul Chan (Chang); and Flaminia Cinque (Mrs. Zangiacomo).
For more information, go to the BBC Radio 4 website here.
Terra Incognita: the feminine in Joseph Conrad’s works, Lyon, France, 12 December 2014
The Institute for Transtextual and Transcultural Studies at University Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 and the French Conradian Society will host a one-day conference on the feminine and space, the known and unknown, in the writings of Joseph Conrad. This conference is scheduled to take place at University Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 (69007 Lyon, France) on Friday, 12th December 2014.
For more information, download the full programme here.
The 40th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society UK, 2014
The 40th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society UK was held at the University of Kent at Canterbury, from Wednesday 2 July to Sunday 6 July 2014.
NEW: Photographs from the 2014 conference can now be accessed through the Annual Conference Archives, and Keith Carabine's closing address as Chair can be found in Society News.
SAMLA 86: Sustainability and the Humanities, November 7-9, 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
A special session on Conrad in the classroom, titled "Sustainable Conrad: Teaching Heart of Darkness and Other Texts by Joseph Conrad to Undergraduates," will be held at this year's South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The theme of this year's conference, scheduled for November 7-9, 2014, is Sustainability and the Humanities.
View the Call for Papers here. This session is sponsored by the Joseph Conrad Society of America.
Submit abstracts of about 300 words on any example of teaching Conrad in the classroom, along with A/V requirements, by June 20, 2014 to Chris Cairney, Middle Georgia State College, at christopher.cairney@mga.edu or ccairney@hotmail.com.
Call for Papers: Arnold Bennett and His Circle, Keele, Staffordshire, UK, 17-18 October 2014
The Edwardian Culture Network and the Arnold Bennett Society (UK) invite abstracts for ten-minute papers on any aspect of Bennett's Edwardian writing, biography and wider circle. Abstracts should be emailed to edwardianculture@hotmail.co.uk by Monday 30th June 2014.
This conference is scheduled to take place at Keele University (Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK) from 17th to 18th October 2014.
For updates about the event, please visit www.edwardianculture.com. The call for papers is now closed.
For programme and registration information, click here.
Poland and the Conrad Problem (Polskie zmagania z Conradem), Cracow, Poland, 28-30 September 2014
As part of the celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of Joseph Conrad’s return visit to Cracow in 1914 and the 90th anniversary of his death in 1924, the Jagiellonian University Joseph Conrad Research Centre and the Joseph Conrad Society (Poland) invite scholars to take part in a conference to be held at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow from 28-30 September 2014.
The Call for Papers gives details about the conference, registration fees, and provides other information. The deadline for abstracts is 30 June 2014.
For more information, see the official JCRC website announcement here.
Call for Papers: ESSE 2014 in Kosice
A Conrad seminar, titled “The unexpected in Joseph Conrad’s fiction”, will be held at the 2014 ESSE Conference in Kosice, Slovakia (Friday 29 August – Tuesday 2 September, 2014). For more information, download the Call for Papers here.
The call for papers is now closed.
Conrad: Conflict and Solidarities, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 13-16 August 2014
Jointly hosted by The Joseph Conrad Society of America and Fairleigh Dickinson University-Vancouver, a conference celebrating and investigating facets of the life and work of Joseph Conrad will be held in Vancouver in mid-August.
The Call for Papers is now closed. Download the tentative conference schedule (in PDF) here.
The conference site is in downtown Vancouver at 842 Cambie Street. Participants will be expected to make their own arrangements for accommodation. A list of recommended nearby hotels, as well as two featuring conference discounts, can be accessed here.
For more information on practicalities, including arrival, dining options, and transportation in and around Vancouver, download the PDF here.
The 40th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society UK, 2014
The 40th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society UK will be held at the University of Kent at Canterbury, from Wednesday 2 July to Sunday 6 July 2014. For the complete final programme (updated 24 June 2014), click here.
Booking and registration for the conference is now open. For Conference Registration click here.
For information and to download application forms for the 2014 Juliet McLauchlan Travel Grant and Gail Fraser Memorial Travel Grant, see the Annual Conference page.
The conference will include a tour of Conrad’s houses in Kent.
Mistah Kurtz – He Not Dead: A multimedia exhibition inspired by Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Fiona Banner, in collaboration with Paolo Pellegrin and in association with the Archive of Modern Conflict, presents "Mista Kurtz – He Not Dead," a multimedia exhibition inspired by Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and accompanied by a text commissioned for the project from Dr. Giles Fraser.
This event is scheduled to take place at the PEER gallery (97 & 99 Hoxton Street London N1 6QL UK) from 5 June to 26 July 2014. An opening reception is scheduled for Thursday 5 June 6-9pm.
For more information, see the official PEER website announcement here.
Charity Premiere and UK Release for Peter Fudakowski's Secret Sharer (2014)
Peter Fudakowski's Secret Sharer (2014) will have its charity premiere on Monday 23rd June at the Curzon Mayfair cinema in London. This 6:15 PM screening of the film will be followed by a brief Q&A with the director and Jack Laskey.
Tickets are £25 per person, if purchased before 2nd June. After 2nd June, tickets are £50 per person. Proceeds from this charity event will go to the Foundling Museum and the Coram Foundation.
The film will also be released in selected cinemas in the UK, including the Curzon Mayfair and the Curzon Victoria, starting Friday 27th June. Tickets are £15 per person.
For more information, see the filmmaker's official website at www.secretsharerthemovie.com.
An eBook of Conrad's The Secret Sharer, with Fudakowski's screenplay of the movie and a review by Gene Moore, has been published by Bloomsbury. For more information, or to order your copy, see the publisher's website here.
Adapting Conrad: A multi-disciplinary conference on what happens to books when translated into other media
‘Adapting Conrad’ will be a one-day conference hosted by the Institute of English Studies at Senate House, London, on 30 May 2014. The conference is part of a series of events celebrating and criticizing adaptations of Conrad’s works.
For more information, see the official IES website announcement here. The Call for Papers is now closed.
The Cunninghame Graham Society, Launch Meeting
The Cunninghame Graham Society will host a Launch Meeting at 1:00 PM on Saturday, 8 March at The Smith Art Gallery & Museum in Dumbarton Rd, Stirling FK8 2RQ, UK. Download the announcement poster in PDF here.
The guest speaker will be Laurence Davies, co-author of Cunninghame Graham: A Critical Biography (Cambridge, 2008). Entrance is FREE and all are welcome.
For more information, contact the organizers at lachiemunro25@gmail.com.
There is a link to the Cunninghame Graham Society on the Links page.
Secret Sharer Special Screening
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Polish Social and Cultural Association Ltd., Premiere Releasing will present a special screening of director Peter Fudakowski's Secret Sharer on Sunday, 9 March 2014, at 5:00 PM. This event will take place at the POSK Theatre, 238-246 King Street, London W6 0RF.
Following the screening, there will be a Q&A session with the director Peter Fudakowski and Prof. Robert Hampson, Conrad scholar and critic.
Tickets may be purchased at www.secretsharer-posk.eventbrite.co.uk. For more information on this event, download the flier here.
Conrad in Serial Form
The periodical archive that forms the basis for Conrad First: The Joseph Conrad Periodical Archive has been acquired by St Mary's University College, Twickenham. The archive is an essential tool for the study of Conrad's dissemination in popular formats, and the generosity of the College will permit Conrad scholars to pursue questions related to reception and textual transmission. Mary Burgoyne has been named the Collections Archivist. Details of access have yet to be worked out.
It is hoped that the collection will continue grow, and that new acquistions will add to an already essential stock of serializations. Donations are welcome and possible donors should contact Mary Burgoyne through the College.
Chance: Centennial Essays
The Editors of The Conradian have announced plans for a special issue of the journal (39.1: Spring 2014) to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the publication of Chance. This issue will also be published as a monograph by Rodopi of Amsterdam in the Conrad Studies series.
The issue will be edited by Susan Jones, Allan H. Simmons, and J. H. Stape, and is now full.
Secret Sharer Pre-Premiere and Dinner with Director
Premiere Releasing will present the pre-premiere of Peter Fudakowski's Secret Sharer, followed by a Q&A session with the director, on Thurs, 30 Jan 2014 from 18:30 to 22:00 (GMT) at the Ognisko Polskie | Polish Hearth Club, 55 Exhibition Rd, SW7 2PG, London, UK.
The critically acclaimed Ognisko Restaurant is offering guests the chance to join the director for a two-course dinner after the Q&A for an additional price.
For more information, see the PR announcement here. The film's official website may also be accessed here.
Christopher Hampton’s Film of Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent: Screening and Panel Discussion with the Writer-Director
Christopher Hampton, playwright and Academy award-winning screenwriter, wrote and directed an adaptation of Conrad’s The Secret Agent in 1996. This event is one in a series of events by Royal Holloway University London, examining adaptations of Conrad’s work. As part of that series, the Inside-Out Festival will be screening the film and following it with a panel featuring Christopher Hampton in conversation with Dr Andrew Glazzard and Professor Jonathan Powell. The film will be introduced by Professor Robert Hampson. Please note that The Secret Agent has a Certificate 12 rating.
The event is scheduled to take place at The Screening Room, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA on Fri 25 October 2013, 6.30pm - 9pm (Doors open at 6pm). Admission is FREE, but booking is required. Please note: a £20 cancellation fee for no-shows and those cancelling within 24 hours of the event.
For more information, please visit the Inside Out Festival website here.
Cambridge Edition: Volumes in 2013
The co-general editors of the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad are pleased to announce that two volumes, the twelfth and thirteenth, respectively, are currently in press and due to appear this summer and autumn.
Under Western Eyes, edited by Roger Osborne and Paul Eggert, with an Introduction by Keith Carabine and Notes by Jeremy Hawthorn and Keith Carabine, is scheduled for publication in October 2013. The volume contains the extensive typescript deletions that Conrad made in revising the novel.
Cambridge Edition: Volumes in 2013
The co-general editors of the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad are pleased to announce that two volumes, the twelfth and thirteenth, respectively, are currently in press and due to appear this summer and autumn.
The Shadow-Line, edited by J. H. Stape and Allan H. Simmons with an Introduction and Notes by Owen Knowles, is due out in September 2013. The critical text dispenses with the chapter divisions imposed by serialization and presents the novella, for the first time, as a continuous narrative.
The Secret Agent, a play inspired by the novel by Joseph Conrad
A play inspired by The Secret Agent will be performed by theatre O at the Young Vic, 66 The Cut, Waterloo, London, SE1 8LZ, from 4 to 21 September 2013.
Co-commissioned by Warwick Arts Centre and supported by the Arts Council England, Shoreditch Town Hall, and the National Theatre Studio, The Secret Agent is theatre O's heartbreaking but hilarious chronicle of passion, betrayal and terrorism, performed in their highly imaginative trademark cinematic style, which The New York Times has called ‘vivid, enlightening, inventive and compelling’.
For more information, including performance times and ticket prices, see the official Young Vic website.
Exhibition: 'The Secret Agent, or The Enigma of the Knitting Machine'
An interactive exhibition, titled 'The Secret Agent, or The Enigma of the Knitting Machine', is scheduled for 13–16 September 2013 in The Old Police Station, 114 Amersham Vale, Deptford, London. This is a collaborative work between Zoe Wagner, a textile designer, and Annina Lehmann, a writer and film-maker.
The exhibition explores the parallels of story-telling and knitting with regard to Conrad's novel The Secret Agent and a letter he wrote to Cunninghame Graham, in which Conrad describes the fantasy of existence being controlled by a knitting machine. It integrates contemporary concerns with issues such as surveillance and terrorism, which received early and insightful treatment in Conrad's novel.
The exhibition is free and open to the public.
Sotheby's Auction of Books and Manuscripts by Conrad
A remarkable Joseph Conrad collection, billed as the "greatest single-author hoard" ever to appear on the market, is to be sold at auction at Sotheby's in London this summer. The collection was assembled by Stanley J. Seeger, who died in 2011.
The collection will be sold in two sales, both with around 200 lots. See the following brief announcement from The Guardian online; or, for a full catalogue of items to be auctioned, click here.
The first sale took place on 10 July 2013; full results of that sale are now listed on Sotheby's website.
Conrad in Persian
Soheil Sommi, an Iranian translator of works by Doris Lessing, Saul Bellow, Joseph Heller, and Samuel Beckett, has now translated Conrad's The Nigger of the Narcissus, The Shadow-Line, and Typhoon into Persian.
See the following brief announcement from the Iran Book News Agency website.
A second printing of The Rescue, translated by Kiomars Parsay, has also been published in Iran after 12 years. Read that announcement here.
Rome Conference: July 2013 (final programme revised 3 May)
The 39th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society (UK) will be held in Rome, 10 - 13 July 2013. Hosted by Professor Richard Ambrosini, the conference will take place at the Università di Roma Tre and other venues in the historic city.
The Call for Papers is now CLOSED. The Conference Programme, travel details, and information on hotel accommodations are available on the Annual Conference page.
The 1st Annual Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society of Japan
The Joseph Conrad Society of Japan will be holding its 1st Annual Conference in Tokyo this summer.
This is a one-day conference, scheduled for Saturday, 22 June 2013, from 10:00 - 17:00. It will take place at Atomi University, Bunkyo Campus, Tokyo, Rms. M2606 and M2604, No. 2 Building. The location is 3 minutes’ walk from Marunouchi Line’s Myogadani underground station.
See the attached flier for more details.
Screening of Hanyut (Almayer’s Folly) with post-film panel discussion
The Culture Capital Exchange (Somerset House) will present U-Wei Haji Saan's Hanyut, an award-winning adaptation of Joseph Conrad's first novel, Almayer’s Folly (1895). After the film there will be a short break followed by a panel discussion with the director.
This event is scheduled for Thursday, 6 June 2013. It will take place at: 2nd floor, South Building, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA. Guests will arrive at 5:30 PM for the 6 PM screening of the film, with the panel discussion to follow from 8:15 PM to 9 PM.
The cost is free (there will, however, be a no-show fee of £20).
See the TCCE website for booking and details.
Call for Papers: Joseph Conrad
This panel will take place at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association conference in Atlanta, Georgia, November 8-10, 2013.
The organizers welcome papers on any aspect of Joseph Conrad’s life or work. Presenters will have 15-minutes of delivery time.
Please submit abstracts (250-300 words) by May 15, 2013 to Hunt Hawkins, University of South Florida.
Call for Papers: Conrad and Technology
Any papers on Conrad will be considered for this panel, sponsored by the Joseph Conrad Society of America, with preference given to those that address the topic "Conrad and Technology."
Note that technology should be understood in the broadest sense to include new teaching and research technologies as well as technologies theoretical and thematic in Conrad studies.
Please submit abstracts by May 17, 2013 to Lissa Schneider-Rebozo, University of Wisconsin River Falls.
Cambridge Edition Conrad Volumes to go On Sale
Cambridge University Press includes in its academic book sale beginning 1 February two volumes of the Cambridge Edition – A Personal Record and Twixt Land and Sea – at extremely attractive discount prices (60% off list price).
Scholars and students who might have found the volumes rather dear in the past have an opportunity to acquire these essential resources now for their personal or university libraries. Further details of the sale will be posted on the publisher's website.
Opera Performance of The Secret Agent
Capitol City Opera's upcoming production of THE SECRET AGENT, based on Conrad's 1907 novel, runs March 15 and 16 @ 8pm, and March 17 @ 3pm at the Conant Performing Arts Center at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, GA USA.
General admission is $30. Discounted tickets for seniors, students, and groups of 10 or more are available for $25.
Please see the attached press release (in PDF) for more details; or, to buy tickets, visit the company's website.
Call for Papers: Joseph Conrad and Cognitive Science
"Joseph Conrad and Cognitive Science," a session sponsored by the Joseph Conrad Society of America, is scheduled to take place at the Modern Language Association Convention in Chicago, Illinois, 9-12 January 2014.
The organizers of this session welcome papers that investigate topics or questions relating to Joseph Conrad and cognitive science from historical as well as theoretical perspectives or through close reading.
Abstracts (250-500 words) should be sent by March 15, 2013 to Paul Armstrong.