The Conradian 49.1 (Spring 2024)
- Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech The Napoleonic Era in Conrad’s Work: A Polish Perspective
- Jana M. Giles Of a Superior Kind and an Inextinguishable Nature: Writing the New Man New Woman in “Falk: A Reminiscence”
- Christie Gramm Narrative Framing in “Amy Foster” and Chance
- Douglas Kerr Two Initiations in The Mirror of the Sea
- Hugh Epstein The vertiginous aspect in Conrad’s Fiction
- Gene M. Moore Review: Nostromo, edited by Roger Osborne with Introduction and Notes by Hugh Epstein
The Conradian 48.2 (Autumn 2023)
- Juhász Tamás Yanko’s America: Space and Emotion in “Amy Foster”
- Maria Luigia Di Nisio “It is very serious. Very serious”: “Il Conde” and the Pleasure of the Text
- Ian Anderson “Personal prejudices must not pass as whole truth”: George Garrett’s critique of The Nigger of the “Narcissus”
- Nic Panagopoulos Philosophical Intertextualities in Chance
- Sylwia Janina Wojciechowska An “extremely nice writing-table”: the Language(s) of Belonging in A Personal Record
- Hugh Epstein The vertiginous aspect in Conrad
- Keith Carabine Some Reflections on Jessie Conrad’s Correspondence
- Owen Knowles & Allan H. Simmons Conrad’s Correspondence: Nine New Letters, 1900–1923
The Conradian 48.1 (Spring 2023)
- Tung-An Wei Tracking the “Typhoon”, Charting the China Sea
- Masanori Ito The Secret Agent and Reading Crowds: Dynamite, Fragmentation and the Novel
- Jeremy Hawthorn Joseph Conrad’s Guys and Dolls (and Scarecrows and Dummies)
- Douglas Kerr Conrad and the Ghost
- John G. Peters Conrad Studies in South Asia: Monographs and Essay Collections (1975-2010)
- Anthony Fothergill Review Article: A Set of Six
- Robert Hampson / John G. Peters Conard and Conrad: A Correction
The Conradian 47.2 (Autumn 2022)
- Jeremy Hawthorn Foreword: Conrad’s Narrative Methods
- Brian Richardson The Use and Abuse of Narrative in Conrad’s Fiction
- Yusuke Takahata Confusion in Authorial Norms? The Treatment of Hervey’s Three “Revelations” and Narrative Instability in “The Return”
- Nathalie Martinière Transferring Joseph Conrad’s Narrative Method into Graphic-novel Adaptations of his Fictions
- Yael Levin Authority and Legitimacy: Nostromo and Contemporary Thought on Voice
- Leona Toker Direct Speech in Conrad’s A Personal Record
- Hannah Landes Disnarration in Conrad’s First-Command Tales
- James Phelan Why Conrad Needs the Diary Extracts in The Shadow-Line
- Jakob Lothe Afterword
The Conradian 47.1 (Spring 2022)
- William Atkinson Savages and Simians: Almayer’s Monkeys
- David Mulry “A Taste for Silence”: The Failure of Retreat in Conrad’s Wildernesses
- Tung-An Wei A Tale for Two Readers: Conrad’s “The Tale”
- Andrew Purssell “Remembering Mr Jones”: Late Conrad, Early Greene and the 1930s Literary Field
- Sara Haslam The Hueffers and the Conrads in 1899
- Robert Hampson and John G. Peters Conrad Contracts: Dramatisations, Books and Translations
- Paul Skinner Review Article: The Inheritors
The Conradian 46.2 (Autumn 2021)
- Mark Deggan ‘“This sky and this sea were open to me”: The Marine Aesthetics of Conrad’s Planetary Vision’
- Hugh Epstein ‘Conrad’s Planetary Vocabulary’
- Andrew Francis ‘Mineral resources, planetary questions: coal and mining in Conrad’s Malay fiction’
- Yael Levin ‘Becoming Planetary: Nostromo, Accident and the Limits of Storytelling’
- Jana Giles ‘The Planetary Sublime in Conrad’s Nostromo: Nature, Rhetoric, Empire’
- Chris GoGwilt ‘Planetary Consciousness and the Place of the Parrot in Nostromo’
- ‘Planetary Conrad: William Connolly and Nidesh Lawtoo in Dialogue’
The Conradian 46.1 (Spring 2021)
- Susan Zhang Maginn Everything was against us in our secret partnership: Re-thinking the Conrad Ford Collaboration
- James Ward Indigenous domestic space in Frank Swettenham’s Malay Sketches and Joseph Conrad’s “The Lagoon”
- Elleke Boehmer and Coen van’t Veer The “Dutch Conrad” Louis Couperus’s De stille kracht (The Hidden Force, 1900): working between Joseph Conrad and Oscar Wilde
- Agnieszka Adamowicz-Póspiech Conrad as a Reader of the Wędrowiec magazine
- Richard Ambrosini The Politics of Observing: Heart of Darkness as a Visual, Aural and Conceptual Polyptych
- Helen Chambers Localities and triangulations: topographical footnotes to The Arrow of Gold
- Helen Chambers Further evidence for gun-running on the Vidar
- Owen Knowles and Allan H. Simmons Five New Conrad Letters, 1903–1922
- John G. Peters A Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides about Joseph Conrad: 2016–2020
The Conradian 45.2 (Autumn 2020)
- Douglas Kerr “Two Strong Men: Conrad’s Gaspar Ruiz and Eugen Sandow”
- Jeremy Hawthorn “The Expression ‘roulé ma bosse’ in Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim”
- Yoko Okuda “Emotion in ‘The Warrior’s Soul’ and “The Death of Atsumori’”
- Yu Ando "Conrad and the Outside of Language: The Aesthetic of Reality in Heart of Darkness"
- Ellen Burton Harrington “Aïssa’s Curse in An Outcast of the Islands”
- Gary Schwartz “Shoot the Piano Player’s Girlfriend”
- Cedric Watts “Thematic Precipitation in Joseph Conrad’s Works”
- Hunt Hawkins “An Unpublished Conrad Note”
- David Mulry “A New Conrad Letter, 1923”
- John G. Peters and Laurence Davies “Epistolary Conrad: Seven Letters”
The Conradian 45.1 (Spring 2020)
- Stephen Donovan ‘Character Assassin: A Would-be Murderer of Joseph Conrad’
- Virginia Richter ‘“The whole China Sea had climbed on the bridge”: Oceanic Agency in Joseph Conrad’s Typhoon’
- Zena Meadowsong ‘Conrad’s Imperial Machine: Nostromo’
- Allan H. Simmons ‘“Conrad, My Conrad. But which is my Conrad?”’
- Nic Panagolpoulos ‘The Ship of State and its Captain in Plato and Conrad’
- Ludmilla Voitkovska ‘On Conrad’s Birthplace’
- Mary Elizabeth Gearen ‘Standardized Time and Bodily Control in Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent’
- Kazumichi Enokida ‘Communication with Marconi’s Electric Waves: Conrad and Wireless Telegraphy’
- Mary Burgoyne ‘Conrad to Wilfred G. Partington: A New Letter of 1923’
- Owen Knowles and Allan H. Simmons ‘Ten New Conrad Letters, 1903-24’
The Conradian 44.2 (Autumn 2019)
- Lisa Feklistova Joseph Conrad and the Concept-City – Reconstructing London in The Secret Agent
- Ellen Burton Harrington and John G. Peters Conrad, Lombroso, and Animals
- Linda Dryden H. G. Wells and J. B. Pinker: Previously Unpublished Correspondence Concerning Conrad
- Owen Knowles and Allan H. Simmons Conrad on the Suffragettes, Academic Honours, and Other Matters: Eight New Letters
- Christopher D. J. Sinclair An Unpublished Conrad Letter: to Dr. John Macintyre (1898)
- Andrew Purssell Review of The Selected Letters of Joseph Conrad, ed. Laurence Davies
- Hugh Epstein Review of the Cambridge Edition of The Rover, ed. Alexandre Fachard and J. H. Stape
The Conradian 44.1 (Spring 2019)
- David Mulry “Evil-minded, underhand, savage”: The Hidden Design in Conrad’s “The Brute: An Indignant Tale”
- Christie Gramm Victory’s Frames-of-Reference and Doors of Perception
- Yumiko Iwashimizu The Difficulty of Being a Man: The Case of Mr Schomberg in Victory
- Yao Xiaoling The Conflation of the Sea Voyage and the Writing Process in The Shadow-Line
- Evelyn T. Y. Chan The Moral Dimensions of Sympathy as Inheritance in Razumov and Heyst
- Philip Hoy Conrad on the Merchant Service’s War Effort (1918): A First Publication Discovered
- Owen Knowles and Allan H. Simmons Epistolary Conrad: Four New Letters
- Peter Lancelot Mallios Review of the Cambridge Edition of Victory, ed. J. H. Stape and Alexandre Fachard
The Conradian 43.2 (Autumn 2018)
- Luis Sundkvist Frans G. Bengtsson, a Swedish Champion of Conrad
- An Ning Lao She and Conrad
- Jeremy Hawthorn Real-World Generalizations in Conrad’s Third-Person Narratives
- Andrea Fenice Beyond Suspense: The Rhythm of Clues in The Secret Agent
- Susan Zhang Maginn Cultivating the Conrad “Industry”: Private Printing and the Collectors’ Market in Conrad’s Later Years
- William Atkinson Yet Again, Achebe and Heart of Darkness: Updating the Horror
- Owen Knowles and Allan H. Simmons Three New Conrad Letters: 1914, 1923, and 1924
- Owen Knowles Conrad and Thomas F. Moxon: A Reminiscence and a Letter Recovered
- Debra Romanick Baldwin Review of the Cambridge Edition of The Nigger of the “Narcissus,” ed. Allan H. Simmons
The Conradian 43.1 (Spring 2018)
- Hunt Hawkins Nostromo and Neo-Colonialism
- Ewa Kujawska-Lis Conrad and the Society of the Spectacle
- Anna Krawczyk-Łaskarzewska Winnie Verloc in John K. Snyder III’s Comic-Book Adaptation of The Secret Agent
- Mark Deggan “Not bleeding, singing”: Conrad, Ambience, and Opera
- Robert Hampson Borders, Nation-States, and Empire
- Francesca Mastracci Some Notes on Self-Referentiality and Intertextuality in “The Tale”
- Jacek Mydla A Reappraisal of “The Tale”
- Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech Harold Pinter’s Screenplay of Conrad’s Victory and Its BBC Radio 4 Adaptation
- Frank Förster New Archival Material on the Translation of Conrad’s Works in the German Democratic Republic
- Laurence Davies “With all that multitude of celestial bodies”: Conrad’s Sense of Scale
The Conradian 42.2 (Autumn 2017)
- David Mulry “Swallowed whole”: The Ships of Conrad’s “The End of the Tether”
- Jeremy Hawthorn J. B. Pinker and the Pseudonymous Publication of “The Nature of a Crime”
- Andrea White The Rover: An Unlikely Patriot
- Robert Hampson Crossing Borders: National and Transnational Loyalties
- Mary Burgoyne “And then he came!”: Newsreel Footage of Conrad’s 1923 Arrival in America
- Johan Adam Warodell Conrad’s Unpublished Map of His Congo Journey: A Note
- Helen Chambers “The first mate is a Polish count, a very quiet fellow”: Some New Torrens Documents
- Owen Knowles A New Conrad Pen-and-Ink Sketch, and a Torrens Connection, 1893
The Conradian 42.1 (Spring 2017)
- Masanori Ito The Modern Crowd and the Palimpsest Narrative in The Nigger of the “Narcissus”
- Felicia Martinez Are Persons like Steel or a Cloud?: Conrad’s Contributions to the Contradictions of Personhood
- Ayse Deniz Temiz “Le sort en est jeté”: Aleatory Sound and Narrative Order in Nostromo
- Catherine Delesalle-Nancey Inscrutable women in Joseph Conrad’s “The Brute: An Indignant Tale”
- Claude Maisonnat “Trying not to see something that was not there”: Trauma and Redemption in The Rover
- Mark Fitzpatrick “Une harmonie de terreur et de beauté ”: Henry-D. Davray as Conrad’s French Critic
- Owen Knowles and Allan H. Simmons Four New Conrad Letters, 1900–1920
- Peter Lancelot Mallios Review of Victory
The Conradian 41.2 (Autumn 2016)
- Allan H. Simmons A New Conrad Letter: to Geraldine Sanderson (1894)
- Jennifer A. Janechek The Horror of the Primal Sound: Proto-telephony and Imperialism in Conrad's "Heart of Darkness"
- Gene M. Moore History and Legend in "The Duel"
- Remy Arab-Fuentes "Think of Us ... of Us ... of Us!": The First-Person Plural Hauntology in Conrad's fiction
- Jeremy Hawthorn Thoughts on Some Conradian Deletions
- Mary Burgoyne Two Unpublished Conrad Letters from October 1917
- Owen Knowles Three New Conrad Letters, 1919-23
- Jose Gonzalez Size, Wisdom, and Uneasiness: Further Reflections on the Loss of the Titanic and Conrad's "Some Reflexions"
- Owen Knowles An American in Bishopsbourne: Charles H. Meltzer Visits Conrad (1920)
- Alexandre Fachard A "delightful week-end" Visit: May Mott-Smith at Oswalds
- F. Tennyson Jesse Joseph Conrad
- Laurence Davies Recollections of Joseph Conrad, a BBC broadcast from 1957
- John G. Peters A Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides about Joseph Conrad: 2011-2015
- Richard Niland Review of An Outcast of the Islands
The Conradian 41.1 (Spring 2016)
- Ewa Kujawska-Lis Conrad’s Mastery of Language in the Early Marlow Narratives: The Functions and Effects of Comparisons
- Emily Ennis Joseph Conrad Writing Photography: Authenticity and Identity in The Inheritors and “The Black Mate”
- Brendan Kavanagh “Dirty weather”: Typhoon’s Meteorology and MacWhirr’s Point of View
- Patrick Tourchon Semeiotic Density in Almayer’s Folly
- Keith Carabine and Owen Knowles Conrad, E. L. Sanderson, and the Wooing of Helen Watson
- An Ning Conrad Studies in Mainland China, 1924–2014
- Alexandre Fachard Why Jessie Conrad Was Not a Professional Typist
- Owen Knowles and Allan H. Simmons Three New Conrad Letters, 1899, 1910, and 1913
- Owen Knowles Conrad’s One Day More and The Speaker. A Suppressed Review
- J. H. Stape Conrad’s Visit to Captain Blake: Narrating Memory in The Mirror of the Sea
- J. H. Stape Conrad’s “An Anarchist”: Footnotes to Norman Sherry
The Conradian 40.2 (Autumn 2015)
- Richard Niland Volcanoes, Disaster, and Evil in Victory
- Ellen Burton Harrington The Case of Mrs Schomberg in Victory
- William Atkinson Victory in a Zone of Indistinction: Animals, Alfuros, and Agamben
- J. H. Stape The New Cambridge Text of Victory
- Mark D. Larabee Conrad and The Great War at Sea
- Randall Stevenson “All Those Figures”: Conrad’s Board of Trade Examinations Re-Examined
- David Mulry The Revolutionary Pole in Late Victorian/Early Edwardian Dynamite Fiction
- J. H. Stape Notes on J. M. K. Blunt of The Mirror of the Sea and An Arrow of Gold
- John G. Peters and Alexander Pettit Conrad Remembered: Richard Curle Meets S. N. Behrman and Crosby Gaige
- Mystery (Joseph Conrad)
- Mitchell Abidor An Unpublished Conrad Letter to F. N. Doubleday of 1914
The Conradian 40.1 (Spring 2015)
- Tina Skouen: Ciceronian Oratory and the Idea of Civilization in “Heart of Darkness”
- Johan Adam Warodell: “Arrows by Jove!”: Delayed Miscoding in “Heart of Darkness”
- Jeremy Lakoff: “A variable and yet perfectly precise mechanism”: Temporal Prosthesis in The Secret Agent
- Nic Panagopoulos: Civic Virtue in Under Western Eyes
- Martin Bock: S. S. McClure, The Conrad Circle, and The Messy London Season of 1909
- J. H. Stape: Conrad’s Wamibo: Crime, Punishment, and the Loch Etive
- Stephen Donovan: “The Wisdom of the Race”: An Uncollected Conrad Text of 1921
- Owen Knowles and J. H. Stape: Reminiscence and Retrospection: Three Meetings with Conrad
- Michael Allan: A Glimpse of Conrad in 1912
New Conrad Letters
- J. H. Stape and Alexandre Fachard: “Cher Monsieur”: Émilie Briquel’s Letters to Joseph Conrad
- Owen Knowles and Allan H. Simmons: Five New Conrad Letters, A Misdating Corrected and an Epistolary Spoof
- Mary Burgoyne and Mitchell Abidor: Two Unpublished Conrad Letters and Two Unpublished Notes: 1898–1923
- J. H. Stape: Additional Supplementary Notes and Corrigenda to The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad
The Conradian 39.2 (Autumn 2014)
- David Prickett: Art Out of Bread-winning: Conrad and the Question of the Plimsoll Man
- Douglas Kerr: “The Secret Secret Sharer”
- Nisha Manocha: The Readable Across “Heart of Darkness”
- Annika J. Lindskog: “It Was Very Quiet There”: The Contaminating Soundscapes of “Heart of Darkness”
- Christie Gramm: Figure and Ground in “Heart of Darkness”
- J. H. Stape and Richard Niland: Conrad and Captain Marris: A Biographical Note
- Paul Kirschner: Conrad and “Europe’s Greatest Feminist”
- Jean M. Szczypien: Conrad and the New York Times: An Unpublished Letter of 1901
- Alexandre Fachard: “Joseph Conrad’s” Typewriter at the Canterbury Heritage Museum
- Alexandre Fachard: Four New Conrad Items in The Late Stanley J. Seeger Sale of Conradiana
- Justin Tonra: Review of the Cambridge Edition of The Shadow-Line
The Conradian 39.1 (Spring 2014): Special Issue – Chance: Centennial Essays
- Andrew Glazzard: "The shore gang": Chance and the Ethics of Work
- Jay Parker: Rortyian contingency and ethnocentrism in Chance
- Anne Enderwitz: Speech, Affect and Intervention in Chance
- Debra Romanick Baldwin: Marlow, Socrates, and an Ancient Quarrel in Chance
- Ewa Kujawska-Lis: Chance and Its Intertextualities
- E. H. Wright: The "girl-novel": Chance and Woolf's The Voyage Out
- Helen Chambers: "Fine-weather books": Representations of Readers and Reading in Chance
- Pei Wen Clio Kao: From Incapable "Angel in the House" to Invincible "New Woman" in Marlovian Narratives: Representing Womanhood in "Heart of Darkness" and Chance
- John G. Peters: "Let that Marlow talk": Chance and the Narrative Problem of Marlow
- Yumiko Iwashimizu: Chance: Conrad's A Portrait of a Feminist
- Mark Deggan: Ships in the Night: Intimacy, Narration, and the Endless Near Misses of Chance
The Conradian 38.2 (Autumn 2013)
- Ryan Francis Murphy: Exterminating the Elephant in "Heart of Darkness"
- Evelyn Tsz Yan Chan: Anarchism and the irony of professional work in The Secret Agent
- Nisha Manocha: Conrad’s Tidalectic Sea Tales
- Jennifer Malia: Media Sensationalism and Terrorism in The Secret Agent
- William Atkinson: Conrad in The Strand: The Hermeneutics of Suspicion and "The Tale"
- Joanna Kurowska: Moral and Religious Relativism in The Rover
- C. T. Watts: The Tremolino and the Tourmaline: Reflections and Speculations
- J. H. Stape: Conrad’s Voyage to Africa: Footnotes to a Journey
- Owen Knowles: Jack London on Conrad’s Victory (1915): A Postscript
- Alexandre Fachard: The Youth Volume: A 1903 Review
- J. H. Stape: Conrad in Marseilles: The Delestangs
New Conrad Letters
- John G. Peters: Uncollected Conrad Letters Recently Published: A Checklist
Review Essay
- Peter Lancelot Mallios: Review Essay: Joseph Conrad: Contemporary Reviews
The Conradian 38.1 (Spring 2013)
- Judith Paltin: Conrad’s Agile Crowds
- William W. E. Slights: The Ethics of Readership and “The Anarchist”
- Teresa Amador Gallagher: Out of Our Depth: Physical Space and Frame Narration in Lord Jim
- Richard Ambrosini: Tragic Adventures: Conrad’s and Marlow’s Conflicting Narratives in Lord Jim
- Alexandre Fachard: The Production and Publication of the Heinemann Collected Edition of Joseph Conrad’s Works
- Alexandre Fachard: Conrad's Contracts with William Heinemann, Ltd.
- Mary Burgoyne: “Writing Man to Fighting Man”: Conrad Republished for the Armed Services during the World Wars
- J. H. Stape: Conrad in Marseilles: The Delestangs
New Conrad Letters
- Laurence Davies: “I want to do the right thing in my own way”: Twenty-eight New Letters and Some Corrigenda
- Alexandre Fachard: Twenty New Conrad Letters to Sydney S. Pawling and Charles S. Evans
- James Sexton: A New Conrad Letter to Jacques Rivière
- Allan H. Simmons and Owen Knowles: Three Unpublished Conrad Letters
- J. H. Stape: A New Conrad Letter to Sidney Colvin of 1917–18
- Mary Burgoyne: Conrad to Peter F. Somerville: A New Letter of 1919
- Mitchell Abidor: Conrad and Morgan Robertson: An Unpublished Letter of 1919
- Alexandre Fachard: Conrad to F. N. Doubleday: A New Letter from 1922
- J. H. Stape: Further Supplementary Notes and Corrigenda to The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad
- John Lester: Review of the Cambridge Edition of Lord Jim and Conrad's “Lord Jim”: A Transcription of the Manuscript, ed. J. H. Stape and Ernest W. Sullivan II
The Conradian 37.2 (Autumn 2012)
- Cedric Watts: Conradian Eldritch: Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Joseph Conrad “The Heart of Darkness”
- Andrew Glazzard: "Some reader may have recognized": The Case of Edgar Wallace and The Secret Agent
- Kim Salmons: Anarchic Appetites: Vegetarianism and The Secret Agent
- Ellen Burton Harrington: Suicide, Feminism, and “the miserable dependence of girls” in “The Idiots,” The Secret Agent, and Chance
- Andrew Francis: “In the Way of Business”: The Commerce of Love in “A Smile of Fortune”
- Christie Gramm: The Dialectic of the Double in Lord Jim and “The Secret Sharer”
- Johan Adam Warodell: Conrad’s Delayed Decoding and Bertrand Russell’s Logical Atomism
- G. W. Stephen Brodsky: Children of the Borderland: Conrad and his Secret Sharer Joseph Roth
- Ellie Stedall: “Books never made a sailor!”: The Predicament of the Author and Sailor in Conrad’s Writing
- Andrew Francis: The Olmeijer Family and a Wedding Photograph
The Conradian 37.1 (Spring 2012)
- Michael Greaney: Conrad, Sleep, and Modernism
- Debra Romanick Baldwin: “Two Languages” of Engagement: The Rhetoric of Conrad’s Letters to R. B. Cunninghame Graham
- Zdzislaw Najder: Conrad’s European Vision
- J. A. Bernstein: “No Audible Tick”: Conrad, McTaggart, and the Revolt against Time
- Alston Kennerley: Conrad’s Shipmates in British Ships
- J. H. Stape: The Man who Edited Victory: A Biographical Note
- John G. Peters: A Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides about Joseph Conrad, Part 2: 1980–2010
- John Lyon: Review of Joseph Conrad, Youth, Heart of Darkness, The End of the Tether, ed. Owen Knowles
- Mario Curreli: Review of Joseph Conrad, Suspense, ed. Gene M. Moore
- Richard Niland: Review of Joseph Conrad, Last Essays, ed. Harold Ray Stevens and J. H. Stape
The Conradian 36.2 (Autumn 2011): Under Western Eyes: Centennial Essays
- Carola M Kaplan: Conrad’s Fatherless Sons: Betrayal by Paternity and Failure of Fraternity in Under Western Eyes
- Jeremy Hawthorn: Literary Borrowing and Generic Transformation: The Presence of Dostoyevsky and Hoffmann in Under Western Eyes and “The Secret Sharer”
- Richard Niland: “Unfit for Action . . . Unable to Rest”: Goethe, Lermontov, and Under Western Eyes
- Yael Levin: The Interruption of Writing: Uncanny Intertextuality in Under Western Eyes
- Paul Eggert: Conrad's Working Methods in Under Western Eyes
- Catherine Delesalle-Nancey: Underground Explosion: The Ethics of Betrayal in Under Western Eyes and Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano
- Josiane Paccaud-Huguet: Conrad our Contemporary? The Case of Under Western Eyes
- Andrzej Busza: Under Western Eyes and "The Theatre of the Real"
- Ludmilla Voitkovska: A View from the East: The Russian Reception of Under Western Eyes
- John G. Peters: Under Western Eyes: An Explosive Review
The Conradian 36.1 (Spring 2011)
- Brian Richardson: The Trope of the Book in the Jungle: Colonial and Post-colonial Avatars
- Matthew Paul Carlson: Conrad’s Early Fiction and the Æsthetic of Dehumanization
- Claes E. Lindskog: Making Us See: Lord Jim and the Visual Imagination
- David Mulry: "Twin Antitypes": Conrad's Secret Sharers and Turgenev's "Hamlet and Don Quixote"
- Kim Salmons: Cannibalism and the Greely Arctic Expedition: A New Source for Conrad’s “Falk”
- Allan H. Simmons and J. H. Stape: The Conrads in Brittany: Some Biographical Notes
- C. T. Watts: Contexts for The Secret Agent, with a Letter from R. B. Cunninghame Graham to H. B. Samuels
- Owen Knowles and Allan H. Simmons: Two New Conrad Letters: 1920 and 1921
- Frank Förster: Conrad: The First German Translations
- John G. Peters: A Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides about Joseph Conrad: Part 1: 1910–1979
The Conradian 35.2 (Autumn 2010)
- William Freedman: Conrad and the Anxiety of Knowledge
- Paul Johnson Byrne: 'Heart of Darkness': The Dream-Sensation and Literary Impressionism Revisited
- Gudrun Kauhl: On Certain Problems on Reading Chance
- Andrew Francis: "You always leave us": Marriage and Concubinage in Conrad's Asian Fiction
- David Miller: His Heart in My Hand: Stories about Borys and John Conrad
- J. H. Stape: "Setting out for Brussels": Conrad and the "Sepulchral City"
- Richard M. Berrong: The Revenge of the Raped Woman: “The Idiots” and Charles Le Goffic’s Le Crucifié de Keraliès
- Mary Burgoyne: "These ignorant and bumptious reviewers": F. J. Furnivall in Defence of Conrad
- Owen Knowles: Glimpses of a Uncollected Letter of 1899: Conrad to Katherine De Friese
- Owen Knowles and J. H. Stape: Seven New Conrad Letters, 1902–1917
The Conradian 35.1 (Spring 2010)
- A. M. Purssell: "Where civilization brushes against wild mystery”: “Freya of the Seven Isles,” Conrad, and the Archive
- Debra Romanick Baldwin: "Simple Ideas" and Narrative Solidarity in “Prince Roman”
- Kaoru Yamamoto: "The Warrior's Soul" and the Question of Community
- Richard M. Berrong: "Heart of Darkness" and Pierre Loti's Ramuntcho: Fulcrum for a Masterpiece
- William Atkinson: Mr Kurtz's Good Death
- C. T. Watts: Killing “The Newt”: Kipling’s “Sea Constables” and Conrad’s “The Tale”
- Laurence Davies: Conrad’s “Patriotic Charitable” Donation: “An Outpost of Progress” in The Ladysmith Treasury
- Allan H. Simmons: Conrad and the Duke of Sutherland
- J. H. Stape: Father Gobila, I Presume?: Sources for “An Outpost of Progress”
- C. T. Watts: Jews, Aglae, and Suspense
The Conradian 34.2 (Autumn 2009)
- Andrea White: “The Profound Perplexity of Living”: Narrating the Bewildered Self in the Colonial World of Victory
- A. M. Purssell: Of Other Spaces: Conrad, Graham Greene, and Tourism
- C. T. Watts: Under Western Eyes: The Haunted Haunts
- Kiel J. Hume: Time and the Dialectics of Life and Death in "Heart of Darkness"
- Claude Maisonnat: The Agency of the Letter and the Function of the Textual Voice in Under Western Eyes
- Patricia Pye: Hearing the News in The Secret Agent
- Andrew J. Francis: Recovering the Ethics of Economic Botany in Conrad’s Asian Fiction
- Mary Burgoyne: Conrad and Advertising: The “spell of such emphasis”
New Conrad Letters
- Laurence Davies: Six New Letters and A Policy
- John G. Peters: Conrad to T. Fisher Unwin: An Uncollected Letter of 1910
- Walter Putnam: Typhoon in a Teapot: A 1917 Letter from Conrad to André Gide
- J. H. Stape and Allan H. Simmons: Conrad to Hugh R. Dent: A Recently Discovered Letter of 1919
- Stephen Donovan: Conrad and the Garlands: An Unpublished Letter of 1922
- Donald W. Rude and J. H. Stape: Conrad to Fanny Butcher: An Unknown Letter of 1923
- Owen Knowles: Conrad to Mr Hughes: A New Letter of 1924
- Helen Baron: Lost in Complication: A Review-Essay of The Cambridge Edition of 'Twixt Land and Sea
The Conradian 34.1 (Spring 2009): Themed Issue on Biography
- The Kliszczewski Document, edited by J. H. Stape
- Owen Knowles and J. H. Stape: Conrad, Galsworthy's "The Doldrums," and the Torrens
- John Galsworthy: "The Doldrums"
- Anne Arnold: Marguerite Poradowska as Conrad's Friend and Adviser
- J. H. Stape: Jessie Conrad in Context: A George Family History
- J. H. Stape: “The Pinker of Agents”: A Family History of James Brand Pinker
- J. H. Stape: "Intimate Friends”: Norman Douglas and Joseph Conrad
- J. H. Stape: Sketches from the Life: The Conrads in the Diaries of Hugh Walpole
- Richard Niland: Review of The Cambridge Edition of A Personal Record